3 Self-Care New Year’s Resolutions for Job Seekers

Job Searching

​Going into 2021, we could all use some newfound encouragement. As a job seeker, it may seem obvious to set goals to perfect your interviewing skills, revamp your resume, and network with people in your industry. But this time around, it would be beneficial to think big-picture. So how do you set yourself up for success this new year? Here are some specific goals that might enhance your day-to-day life in order to be in the right mindset for job searching.​​​​​Organize your remote workspace (both physical and digital!)Many of us are spending much more time at home, and this includes work and job searching. Make it a goal to put time and energy into the space that you spend your day working. This could mean cleaning, organizing, or re-arranging your space. Make it a place that you feel focused and calm. Even just making sure your desk is neat and tidy, and going through papers lying around will make a huge difference. And just like physical clutter, digital clutter can pile on, too. Delete unimportant files and programs to allow your computer to run more efficiently. Having a clean workspace will allow you to think more clearly and ultimately be more productive.  Put your mental and physical health first.  Job searching tends to take a lot of time and energy. To be able to keep your momentum, make sure that you are checking in with yourself with your health – both mentally and physically. On top of being in a pandemic, this is more important than ever. Intentionally carve out time for small breaks throughout the day. Take a walk, make yourself a meal, or even take time to slow down and relax. Also, allow for activities that will lift your spirits. You should be rewarding yourself even for the little successes!  Focus on time management. Not every job is right for you, so put your time to good use and focus on what jobs will be suitable for you. Start managing your time by only applying for the jobs you would genuinely love to have. Consider company culture, experience needed, and the position itself. It may even be helpful to put together an Excel document that can house all the jobs that you’re applying for to keep track of. This once again, will save you time and energy. Work towards incorporating these self-care goals into your job searching regimen this coming new year. You will thank yourself for setting the tone for prioritizing your mental state and the environment around you. Let’s show this year who’s boss!​​​​​