5 Reasons to Use a Staffing Company

Hiring Strategy

Imagine that you list a position for hire, receive 12 or so qualified applicants, narrow it down to 3 to interview, and then choose the best candidate. Ideally, you can hire someone in less than a week. The new employee shows up on time, collaborates well with others on the team, and trains quickly. It sounds like a fantasy, right? It’s not easy to find a high-quality employee that will invest in your company and add to your office culture. In reality, it can take weeks to hire a new employee. Instead of spending hours and days sifting through resumes and figuring out who to interview, allow a staffing company to implement strategies for finding the best employees that you can trust. 5 Reasons to Hire a Staffing ServiceThe worst thing that could happen is investing in a new employee just to have them out the door, onto the next best thing as soon as the onboarding process is over. So how will a staffing company increase your chance of employee retention? Let’s take a look: Industry Expertise: When a staffing company immerses itself in fulfilling hiring needs for companies big and small, they have connections that you do not have. They know what outlets produce the best matches. A staffing company can use its industry connections to reach out to employees that will be perfect for your position and company. Speed Up the Hiring Process: When you hire a new employee, you do not have to waste time listing the position, reading endless amounts of resumes, and trying to decipher which person to hire. Instead, a staffing company will have pre-interview questions and processes to sift through the applicants efficiently, saving you time in the process. Take the Extra Load from the HR Department: When your HR rep already has a full load of work, it can be overwhelming to drop hiring new employees onto their plate. Instead, hire a temporary staffing agency when your hiring needs arise. That way, your HR employees can continue with day-to-day workflow procedures. Increase Diversity and Inclusion: A staffing agency will have processes in place to increase diversity and inclusion in your workplace. For example, you may hire the same type of people over and over without even recognizing it. A staffing company will pull from a wide variety of applicants to diversify and enhance your company. Cut Costs: A hiring manager can take on a large salary when you do not have a steady load of work for them. Hiring new employees can come in waves and is not always a full-time job. This is where a temporary staffing agency can come into play and provide you with the services you need when you need them. When you partner with an experienced staffing company, you can allow them to do what they do best. They work solely in finding reliable employees that fit your qualifications. What a relief it can be to turn to a staffing company to take care of hiring new employees whenever you need them.