7 Tips to Make Your Social Media Presence Employer-Friendly
Job Seeker
Your resume lands in the hand of a hiring manager. They give it a quick look-over, and if it passes, what happens next? They are most likely to look you up on social media immediately. Social media is quickly becoming one of the first methods for employers in researching candidates.
Taking responsibility for your social media presence is just as important as crafting a solid resume. Not only that but using your everyday online activities correctly could boost your career and impress prospective employers.
Here are 7 tips to maximize your professional social media presence:
1. Review your privacy settings.
You don’t need to necessarily set settings to the tightest security available, there are options that allow you to keep certain aspects of your profile to friends only. If you’re job searching, best to keep everything as tight as possible.
2. Delete any offensive posts or images.
Yes, you are entitled to Freedom of Speech, but if you’re looking for a new career opportunity you want to display the most professional representation of who you are.
3. Turn on your Facebook timeline review.
This gives you the power to “approve” or “deny” any posts you are tagged in before it goes on your public page.
4. Google yourself.
The easiest way to review your digital footprint is to Google yourself. This is exactly what hiring managers will do and gives you a good overview of your online presence.
5. Maximize your LinkedIn page.
LinkedIn will likely be the first, if only, social media page employers check. Don’t be casual about presenting your professional achievements. Use the formatting LinkedIn provides with attention grabbing headlines and multimedia functions to stand out.
6. Add your current workplace.
Be sure your employee information, including anything current, is up-to-date and matches your resume. This is to not confuse employers and demonstrates you’re proud of what you’re doing now.
7. Be interactive.
Follow organizations and influencers you’re interested in, re-post relevant content to your industry, and share your opinion on news items. This shows you are connected and well informed of industry trends vs. Just blasting out information.
Overall, treat your social media profiles as an extension of your resume. You have the opportunity to provide insight into your world on a more personal level but should keep things clean and professional for employers