Behind the Scenes: Recruiter Myths Debunked
Job Seeker
If you’re searching for a new job and have never used a staffing firm before, you’re in for a surprise. The myths you’ve heard about working with a recruiter couldn’t be farther from the truth. Working with a recruiter can be a great benefit in your job hunt and actually smooth over the process for you.Let’s debunk the top 3 myths of working with a recruiter:Myth 1: “Recruiters don’t care about establishing a long-term relationship with me.”FACT: The foundation of all staffing agencies is built on developing relationships and maintaining a strong network of people. Recruiters remember talented and professional candidates and will likely want to help them later in their career. They appreciate a candidate who knows they aren’t a good fit for a current job opening but will introduce them to someone who is. Establishing a relationship will help you find the job you’re looking for.Myth 2: “Recruiters have their own agenda, they don’t care about my job preferences”FACT: Successful recruiters take into careful consideration a job seekers preferences and experience level when they recommend someone for a position. This includes location, salary, responsibilities, and more. Placing a candidate in a role they aren’t matched for is nothing but a lose/lose situation. The candidate won’t be happy, causing them to likely leave the role or under perform, leaving the client unhappy.Great recruiters want to place the right people in the right jobs, always.Myth 3: “I won’t get the best compensation if I work with a Recruiter.”FACT: This is by far the most believed myth, and it couldn’t be more wrong. Many job seekers believe they will be given a lower salary from working through a recruiter so that the recruiter gets “their cut” of the money. The truth is, salaries are established by the hiring company alone. Most times, recruiters are paid on an additional percentage of that salary, so it’s in their best interest to get the candidate the best salary deal. Often, they also have inside information about how much the company is willing to pay and can negotiate you a better deal.Not every job seeker has luck working with a recruiter, but if you’re open to the process it can be a great asset in your job hunt. If you’d like to get the conversation started with Per Sé email