How to Survive and Succeed in Your New Role

Job Seeker

You made it through the job search process and landed a new job – now what? First impressions do last, it’s important you nail your first day just as you nailed the interview. First impressions often turn into long-term perceptions and opinions, which is great for people who make positive impressions but can be a negative for some. The early days are when your boss and colleagues form the most lasting impressions; making assessments about your ‘typical’ behavior. Below are a few helpful tips to not only survive and succeed in your new role.

Have a positive attitude.

A good attitude goes a long way. Come in with an open mind and let your enthusiasm for being part of the team show through to everyone you interact with. Leave any personal problems at home and focus on radiating your excitement for the new opportunity.

Come prepared with questions.

Although your first day will be more about listening, you should ask questions when necessary. Generally, you are trying to establish your curiosity and desire to learn. It’s a good idea to prepare by writing a list of practical and general questions about how you can be most successful in the role.

Ask for help and take notes.

No one expects you to be an expert when you first start a new job. Take this opportunity to ask for help when you need it. It can be easy to let pride get in the way when you first start a new job, but its better to ask for clarification before you’ve spent time completing a task incorrectly. Listen to your coworkers, and take detailed notes so you know better the next time the issue arises.

Take initiative.

In most cases, you will be given small amounts of work at the beginning of a new job. Start slowly to get your feet wet and to not be overwhelmed. As you’re able to handle a bigger workload, rather than waiting for it to be handed to you–be proactive about asking for more assignments.

Establish a good attendance record.

There’s nothing that can affect your reputation faster than routinely coming into work late or leaving early. Especially in the first weeks on the job, observe the flow of the office and be sure you are coming in earlier and leaving later than the majority of your coworkers. Taking sick days too early on will diminish your coworkers confidence in your dedication to the new role.

Identify 3 goals for your new job.

One of the outcomes of going through a job search is you learn a lot about yourself. Such as what skills you bring to the table vs. the ones you want to build on. Take some time to think about what goals you have for your new role. It may help to set yourself up with a 30/60/90 day plan. Identifying your goals early on and mapping out a plan to execute them puts you one step closer to positioning yourself for success.