Refocusing Leadership and Communication in 2021
Team Development
All businesses certainly have their ups and downs, but who knew 2020 would be a year of complete upheaval and disruption for everyone? When you made your goals in December of 2019, my guess is they look a lot different than what was achieved. Looking to the silver lining of this past year, businesses leaned into the challenges a global pandemic presented and came out with new strategies both in how they operate and their service offerings. While there is some relief in sight, it’s clear these business changes will continue to leave their mark moving beyond the pandemic. Going into 2021 company leaders will need to continue their remote working efforts, putting a high focus in on their leadership and communication. Below are some areas to consider moving into the new year. Refocus on Employee Well-beingIf nothing else, the pandemic brought a heightened sense of examining employee well-being and transitioning to more human-led companies vs. putting operational systems first. Controlling processes for the highest output of services is still important, but a more human-led value culture allow company’s objectives to be met by employees who are truly giving their personal best. A focus on well-being is not just about health, although that is top priority, it also refers to the well-being of: Finances Family Personal career Social needs Employees who feel their employer care about them are more likely to balance these elements of well-being and be less susceptible to stress from one of the areas, ultimately becoming a higher-performing individual. Retool for Diversity, Equity and InclusionOne of the biggest questions on leaders minds: how can they prioritize DEI efforts through this pandemic and once offices fully re-open? Company’s operations and values stem directly from the top. For teams to reach their full potential, leaders need to stop simply talking about DEI efforts and actually implement practices and procedures that drive inclusion. A few thoughts to help get you started: Self-reflect on your own bias.Put together a personal strategy of how you plan to move forward making choices through a lens of inclusivity.Build a library of resources.Throughout this pandemic a wide variety of incredible resources has been released, including webinars, podcasts, TV shows, books, and news articles. Expend your network and get inspired.Take this extra time at home to expand your professional network to leaders and partners who can help expand your world view and understand inclusion on a deeper level. Rebuild Operational AlignmentSince the disruption in March, many people have experienced hardships. Some people have been furloughed, others were let go, it’s been difficult for some managers to keep their team focused on company goals—let alone their company values and vision. Going into 2021 its imperative managers keep their team members aligned with the company’s short and long-term objectives, as well as re-introducing the mission, vision, and core values. Re-connect your employees to the larger meaning of their work. A few tips to help guide you: Set forth a positive and vibrant picture of 2021 success Communicate your vision of success on a regular basis Outline specific steps in your goals and objectives Make clear assignments for individuals that support these goals Express gratitude and celebrate success