The 30-60-90 Day Plan: Your Guide to Mastering a New Job

Job Seeker

So, you’ve landed a new job. It’s exciting, but at the same time can feel a bit overwhelming. Overcoming the learning curve that comes with a new position, plus the desire to leave a lasting impression on your new employer,
is a lot of pressure. Fortunately, there’s a way to map out and
prioritize your time, allowing you to seamlessly adapt to your new
environment—it’s called the 30-60-90 Day Plan. Follow this plan during
your first 3 months and you’ll soak in as much information as possible,
master your core job responsibilities, and leave a lasting impact on
your new team. 
What is a 30-60-90 Day Plan? It’s a
plan for new employees that lays out a clear course of action during
the first 30, 60 and 90 days of their new role. Setting concrete goals
for each stage of your plan will help visualize a successful transition
and empower you to step into the role with confidence. 
If you haven’t been asked to craft a 30-60-90 Day Plan by you manager,
it’s a good idea to draft one for yourself anyway. Follow these
guidelines to set up a plan and push yourself to perform at your
greatest potential: 
First 30 Days 
the first 30 days, all employees are learning the ropes; the theme here
is to be a sponge. Your goals should reflect setting up a strong
knowledge-base on the company and your department. 
Examples of Learning Goals 
• Study my company’s mission and vision. • Understand my company’s culture code and why it’s implemented.  • Meet with all department leads, to gain an understanding of their business and biggest challenges.• Get an understanding of the company’s brand, business strategy, and goals. • Meet with your manager to gain a clear view of their expectations. 
Examples of Performance Goals 
• Complete new hire training.• Make one performance goal specific to your department and role. If you need help in this area, ask your manager for a recommendation. 
Example of Personal goals 
• Grab lunch or coffee with everyone on your team to get to know them better on a professional and personal level. 
Second 30 Days 
the second 30 days to stand out as an outstanding contributor and make a
name for yourself on the team. You were hired for a reason! Speak up at
meetings and share your ideas for improvement from a fresh
Examples of Learning Goals 
• Deep dive into my company’s business roadmap and strategy.  • Review various customer profiles and target audiences to gain a full understanding of your customers are and their pain points.  • Conduct a competitor analysis to learn how others operate and how to better grow your business. 
Examples of Performance Goals 
• Set up specific metrics with goals attached to them for each week. • Make 1 goal specific to improving a project you’ve taken initiative on.• Share at least 1 new idea at a team meeting
Example of Personal Goals 
• Meet with colleagues on other teams to develop relationships outside of your own department. 
Final 30 Days 
the end of 3 months, you should have a strong understanding of your
role, be confident in your abilities, and be directly contributing to
your team. At this point you’ll have set yourself up to be seen as a future leader by your peers. Continue to contribute and take initiative on new projects. 
Example of Learning Goals 
• Conduct an analysis of your team’s production metrics to determine the lowest performing area and make a suggestion for improvement. 
Examples of Performance Goals 
• Expand your metric goals to increase week over week, as you exceed them.• Brainstorm one idea outside of your role and start the conversation with the department head. 
Example of Personal Goals 
• Join one of your company’s extracurricular clubs or committees. 
the nuances of your new role isn’t an easy task, but with a strong
30-60-90 Day Plan, you’ll accelerate your development, adapt to your new
work environment, and position yourself to excel within the company.