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10 Ways to Position Yourself for Success Online

  • Publish Date: Posted about 7 years ago
  • Author: Taylor Varco

These days, when it comes to searching for a new job, your online presence is just as important as it is in-person. It’s likely prospective companies will research you online before even considering you for an interview. Here are 10 steps you can take to help position yourself for success online and land an interview:

Complete your social media accounts. Be sure your accounts are accurate and up-to-date. An incomplete LinkedIn profile could be a deciding factor in whether an employer contacts you for an opportunity.

Match up your profiles. Make sure your resume and LinkedIn profile match exactly. The information on your online profiles and resume should never contradict; inconsistencies are top reasons employers will reject candidates.

Take a professional profile picture. Just as you want to look your best for an interview, your online headshot is equally as important. Be sure that your picture is consistent across all online accounts.

Use a smart e-mail address. Your e-mail address should match your name as closely as possible for easy recognition (i.e.

Keep your Facebook and Twitter clean. There is a misconception that hiring managers will only look at your LinkedIn profile. If you have any posts that are the slightest bit questionable, switch your account settings to “private.”

Use defensive googling. Google yourself to see if there’s anything out there that could hurt your job prospects and seek remedial actions.

Make connections. Connect with people at companies you are looking to work for, including hiring managers. Accept any request from a real person; you never know where a connection can lead you.

Use industry language. Similar to how you write your resume or cover letters, use jargon hiring managers will recognize. Employers will be more inclined to reach out if they see you can speak intelligently about their line of work.

Leverage keywords. Companies use automated searches within job sites. If you are pursuing a specific role be sure keywords from the job description match the skills on your profile and resume.

Stay active. Join groups lead by professionals in your industry. Share, write and discuss topics relevant to your profession, even when you aren’t job hunting.