Video interviews are no longer a job searching novelty, or something that only a technology company would ask of you. Companies are increasingly looking to them as a convenience factor and a way to save time and money that an in-person interview can require. Video interviews are great for both job seekers and hiring managers, as they can expedite the entire hiring process. The only problem is, majority of job seekers don’t have any experience with video interviewing.
Much of the interview content will remain the same, but there are a few key differences that can make or break your chance to be hired. Follow these tips to ensure you are setting yourself up for a successful video interview:
Double-check Your Technology.
Always test your video, audio, and internet connection right before the interview to ensure everything is working properly. Technology mistakes are certainly understandable but can be a bit of a headache to start-off the interview.
Location & Lighting Matter.
Keep the background neutral to ensure attention is on you, and that the hiring manager won’t be distracted. Office settings work great, just be sure the room is tidy. Many people think lighting from above is best, but it can often create unwanted shadows. Aim for lighting from behind.
Find the Right Camera Angle.
Position your webcam at the same height as the top of your head and point it slightly down. This is generally the most flattering angle and will force you to sit up straight.
Look Professional.
Even though you aren’t meeting in-person, your appearance still matters. Business casual dress in solid colors works best for a video interview.
Be Aware of Body Language.
When speaking to a camera, it’s easy to forget about eye contact. It’s okay to occasionally glance at your notes, but they should never be a main focus. Make an effort to look at the interviewer and lean in slightly to show you are actively listening.
Hold a Mock Interview.
Get a friend or family member to practice an interview via webcam. This is a great opportunity to get feedback on your lighting, camera angle, and on-camera body language.
Don’t Forget to Smile!