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How You Can Turn a Short-Term Contract into a Full-Time Job — 3 Simple Tips

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 5 years ago
  • Author: Taylor Varco

So you've made it through the interview phase and landed a contract with a company. Maybe you've completed a few projects with them already, or this might be your first one. There are plenty of benefits to working contract assignments, but’s it’s not for everyone. There are pro’s and con’s to both contract and full-time work. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what’s going to fit your lifestyle best.

Let’s say you want to make the switch from contract work to becoming a full-time employee.

How to Make Yourself a Great Candidate for a Full-Time Role

Luckily, as someone who's already working for this company, you're a few steps ahead in the game. Not every contract position has the opportunity to turn into full-time work, but if you follow these simple tips, you’ll be well on your way towards turning your temp job into a full-time position (or at least begin building plenty of long-lasting professional relationships for the future!)

Tip#1: Go the extra mile

First and foremost, make sure you're doing what you can to provide value to those around you. If you are looking to extend your stay, learning the ropes and doing the bare minimum is simply not going to cut it. Once you have a handle on your day-to-day responsibilities, make it a point to find work that’s not necessarily in your job description (but that you are still comfortable tackling.) If you’re unsure where to find work—ask! Reach out to managers for coffee and inquire about areas you can add value.

An employer doesn't want to employ someone who only does the bare minimum to get by; they want someone who cares about the company's goals and progress just as much as they do. The best way you can show that you care is to do 110% in every area you possibly can.

Tip#2: Build Strong Relationships

The second, but just as important, piece of advice is to build as many authentic, positive relationships as you can. While employers care about the value you're putting out, they also care about strong work place relationships, with them and your colleagues, that contributes to overall positive culture.

This is because strong teams lead to higher productivity. If you can build good relationships in your (hopefully soon-to-be) workplace, you'll have much higher chances of turning your temp job into a permanent role.

Tip#3: Make an Impression

Lastly, make an impression. This goes for everything you do, but the easiest way to achieve this is to be reliable. Showing up on time, communicating with colleagues, and delivering quality work will go a long way. If you want to be a potential hire for the company, you've got to stand out, and this can also show up in your attitude. Avoid the mindset that you’re “just a temporary worker” and think of yourself as a full-time employee.

TakingThe Leap From Contractor To Employee

Taking the leap from being a contractor to a full-time employee is an exciting change that comes with many benefits. If you can stand out as someone who will bring value to the company, convincing them to hire you full-time won't be a tough task.

Now, you’re that much closer to making it happen. So get out there and use these tips to finally make the transition. Even if your contract role comes to an end, you’ll come out of the assignment with a network of people you can reach out to in the future.