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4 Ways a Great Recruiter Can Transform Your Career

  • Publish Date: Posted over 4 years ago
  • Author: Taylor Varco

Many people have hesitations about working with a recruiter, but the truth is a good recruiter can be an extremely powerful career resource. Before diving into details, understand that there are different types of recruiters out there. There are recruiters that work at general staffing firms, simply looking to fill any position in any field, there are internal recruiters looking to only support one company, and there are industry specialists who understand specifics about their field and have a network of connections in their back pocket. If you’re looking for someone to guide your career, you’re looking for a recruiter who’s a specialist in your industry. 

Industry specialists are not only there to help you find work, but to keep your career trajectory moving upwards. 

A Great Recruiter is a Marketplace Expert 

It’s any recruiter’s job to know the current state-of-the-workplace. They know which jobs are in-demand, which jobs will be tougher to find, and future trends that can help make important career decisions. If you’re not currently looking for a new role, you might feel awkward reaching out to a recruiter for advice, but a good recruiter welcomes it! It’s always a good idea to make the connection and start the conversation of where you want your future to go. 

They may even have advice on different career paths. Since recruiters work with so many people, they see the many roles that people successfully work in and can help you find opportunities you may have not considered. 

They Have Direct Insight into Key Organizations 

A recruiter that specializes in your industry has likely placed other people at the company’s you’re seeking to be employed. Not only that, if you do land an interview, they will help coach you on specifics the employer is looking for and insights into what can put you ahead of other candidates. 

If you Don’t Change Your Job, Your Job can Change You 

If you’ve been at your current position for more than a year, take a moment to think about what your first days, weeks, and month looked like. It can be shocking how much things can change. New people come, new processes are put in place, it can seem like an entirely different job—because it is! This is not necessarily a bad thing, but all the more reason to stay connected to the people who spend their days on the edge of constant change. TYour recruiter will be happy to keep you at pace with the latest in professional development, even if you plan to stay put. 

You Might be Worth More Than You Thought 

Understanding reasonable compensation for your position is very helpful knowledge during the interview process. A recruiter can tell you what the market is typically compensating for your role and skillset. While it is always great to hear you have the potential to earn more money, there’s always the possibility that you’re being paid more than the market says you’re worth (all the more reason to get up to speed on professional development). 

In conclusion... 

If you’re asking yourself “Why should I stay in touch with a recruiter when I’m not currently looking for work?” the answer would be “Why shouldn’t you?” Successful recruiters use discretion and only serve to be a resource that helps further your career.