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3 Reasons to Consider Taking a Temporary Job Right Now

  • Publish Date: Posted about 4 years ago
  • Author: Taylor Varco

Temporary, or “contract” positions, have been an upward trend in America’s modern workforce; but there are still people out there hesitant to give them a try. Before your write-off any contract or contract-to-hire opportunities that come your way in a job search, consider the benefits these types of roles can bring. 

Whether you are unemployed, or looking for supplemental income, accepting a short-term position can be a great option--and in many cases, help propel your career forward. 

Gain Entry to Great Companies 

Companies use contract work for all sorts of reasons, some of them including: “testing out” a role before they fully commit to it, monetary or headcount reasons, placeholder or fill-in positions while they search for other candidates, etc. 

Regardless of the reason, when you start working for a company, you leave an impression – so why not make it a positive one? People enjoy working with people they can trust. If you’re showing up every day to deliver the work, chances are there will be more opportunities for you down the road—potentially even a permanent role. 

Open the Door for Networking 

If you’re looking to grow your career, networking with other professionals in your industry is an essential task that you may not have time to do on your own. Connecting with others on a professional level can be a difficult and time-consuming task. A contract role provides the ability to grow your network, obtain professional references, and earn a paycheck all at once. Even if the position isn’t something you want to stick with, you can make the most of the opportunity with relationships that will benefit your career in the long run. 

Transition to a New Career Path 

If you’re thinking of making a career switch, consider trying out a contract position before you jump into a permanent role. This will allow you to gain on-the-job experience to see if it’s truly a path you want to go down. 

Taking on a contract role, especially one in a new field, is also a great way to develop new skills or open the door to a new industry you haven’t been in before. Beyond that, there is the opportunity to learn from new people and build upon your pre-existing skillset. 

How to Get Started? 

Seek out a staffing or recruitment firm that specializes in your area of expertise or industry your looking to get into. Working with a recruiter in your field will help navigate some of the challenges that come with finding the right temporary position on your own.