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Avoid These Common Mistakes on Your Resume

  • Publish Date: Posted about 3 years ago

You've finished compiling all your work history, your education, and any other info that's relevant to the position you're applying for. Now it's time to sit down and write your resume. It might seem like a daunting task, but it becomes much less overwhelming when you break it up into smaller pieces.

To help you write a resume that will catch a recruiter’s attention, we've put together this list of common mistakes to avoid.

Mistake #1: Not tailoring your resume for each job you apply for

Some applicants don't realize it's important to customize their resumes for each position they apply for. Your resume must reflect how your skills and experience make you a perfect fit for the job.

Recruiters can tell when a resume is generic, and they don't prefer it. One way to customize a resume is to review the job description and leverage keywords that are used in the job description.

Mistake #2: Leaving off important information

Including everything relevant to the job you're applying for is extremely important. Make sure your resume includes all your accomplishments from your education and previous jobs. It would be best to list any special recognitions or awards, soft and hard skills acquired, abilities demonstrated, and other important information.

Mistake #3: Including too much unnecessary information

You don't need to include every high school achievement or what you did on the weekends in college. List only the things that are relevant to the position you're applying for. Do not go into too much detail about everything you've ever done. 

Mistake #4: Using a font that's too small or hard to read

Using an unreadable font is one of the biggest mistakes you can make regarding resume writing. Make sure paragraphs aren't too long and that there are clear breaks between sections. If possible, replace paragraphs with concise, bulleted lists altogether to keep readability as seamless as possible. Keep font size and spacing in mind as well when choosing how your name, address, and contact information should appear.

Mistake #5: Using poor grammar or spelling errors

Spelling, punctuation, and other types of grammatical errors are highly unprofessional. The last thing you want to do is give a potential employer any reason not to consider your resume further. Have a peer look over your resume before you send it out to ensure there aren't any grammar mistakes.

Mistake #6: Making your resume too long or too short

When it comes to length, you always want to err on the side of caution.  Your resume shouldn't be more than one page unless you have extensive years of experience. If you have been in the workforce for a while and don't have a detailed resume, it's acceptable to go beyond the one to two-page limit.

Too short of a resume can be worse than too long because you'll leave out pertinent information that could benefit you in being a potential candidate. If you're struggling with length, try making bullet points for each accomplishment instead of writing paragraphs. This will help keep your resume concise while also providing the information hiring managers are looking for.

It's not easy to write a resume that will stand out from the crowd and land you an interview, but with the right resources, it can be done! Our recruiters at Per Se are always available to work through editing your resume. Sign up on our website and make an account today.